How or where did you discover Olga Ziemska's work?
For example through Instagram, online article about your work, web search, word of mouth, etc. Add URL or link if applicable.
What is your vision for the artwork(s)? Please describe your wants and needs for the artwork(s).
You can also elaborate on the visual elements you would like to see in the new work such as materials, size, colors or tones, texture, subject, etc.
From the work you have already viewed, which of Olga Ziemska's artworks are most relevant to this project and why?
Titles of artwork can be found below all images on this website.
Please describe the proposed location for the artwork in as much detail as possible.
If you have a photo of the location feel free to provide a link to the image now. Or we will request a photo of the space later in the commissioning process.
Are there any constraints or special requirements for this artwork?
For example is there only one standard doorway to the space, does it need to be a specific size, does it need to be a particular color to be visible amongst the landscaping, does it need to be suspended from the ceiling, etc.
What are five keywords for your vision for this artwork?
Use words like nature, movement, feminine, monumental, water-like, strong, open, vertical, stone, woodsy, personal, celestial, magnetic, contradictory, shimmer, environmentally-friendly, lake, reflective, etc.